VDL — Citea electric

Electric and hybrid buses are increasingly being used for  urban and regional transport.

These buses eliminate or reduce noise nuisance and emissions of harmful substances. They are also attractive from an operational point of view because of their efficiency. We offer the option of choosing from several electric drives, battery packs and charging systems, so that the ideal, optimal combination can be put together for any area of operation without affecting accessibility, interior layout or comfort. Because we want to get the passengers to their destination not just quietly and in an environmentally friendly manner, but also comfortably.

Perfectly put together

The modular system makes it possible for any operator to put together a Citea from the E-Worker range that is tailored optimally to the customer’s operational requirements and wishes and dovetails seamlessly with the available infrastructure.

Basic vehicle

First module is the basic vehicle: here a decision has to  be made about the required capacity and the design.

Does a 12-metre-long variant have enough space or is an articulated bus more suitable?

Do we opt for the standard Citea design or do we go for  the futuristic look?


Second module is the drive. Here the operator has to decide whether he wants fully electric or hybrid. There are two options for fully electric: a driveline with a central electric motor and a driveline with wheelhub motors.


Third module is the battery. Battery technology is developing rapidly, giving rise to many different options.

We are keeping a close eye on all developments and are  collaborating with several battery suppliers. Aspects such as weight, price, energy density, composition and life  expectancy are factors affecting the choice of the right battery. Another very important factor is how quickly the battery can be discharged and charged. The choice of battery technology and the size of the pack are based on the bus’s deployment profile.

Charging system

Fourth module is the charging system. The Citea E-Worker range can be combined with various charging systems. Depending on the charging system chosen, the bus will be charged slowly (Slow Charging) or rapidly (Opportunity Charging).

Slow Charging: via a Combo2 plug-in connection or apantograph.

Opportunity Charging: via a pantograph or a robotised connector. We prove just how bright and comfortable the path to the public transport of the future is with our electric and hybrid buses. These vehicles operate so efficiently that they are barely audible.

With our zero-emission electrical Citea even indoor stops, such as a bus-stop inside a railway station, are possible.

Thanks to the start-stop system, hybrid Citeas can drive off fully electrically. This makes them just as quiet as our electric vehicles. The passengers are also enthusiastic about the level of comfort with which we design the transport of the future. This starts with exceptionally convenient boarding and alighting and definitely does not end with the spatially designed interior …

The Citea offers even more future with the futuristic design. This Citea demonstrates the potential not  simply in engineering terms. It also impresses by its appearance. This makes this bus both an attractive and a future-orientated transport solution.